The name of the project “Windflower” clearly justifies the pollution free Air and Morning sun rays that brings in positive vibes into the house. The spacious corridors and stairways along with large parking areas gives a very pleasant feel to the building. The architecture work of the building is properly planned and very well executed. The Builders have been very helpful and understanding throughout the process.Nikhil Chandak Sales Manager channel, IIFL securities
I would like to appreciate & acknowledge the support extended by builder’s team for smooth registration of Flat & then subsequently getting disbursement done from the Bank. The developer has been very accommodating even after I have asked multiple changes & have tried to help me with every available option post my booking. Also, thankful for continuous support and guidance provided at each step of this cumbersome process. The post sales services by the builder are appreciable. Er. Vijay Dongare Deputy Chief Executive Sugar Corporation of Uganda, Lugazi, Uganda
मला आठवतेय मार्च 2017 मध्ये "विंडफ्लोअर" अपार्टमेंटचे बांधकाम सुरु होते. अपार्टमेंटचे स्टक्चर पाहुन आपण या ठिकाणी Flat खरेदी करावा असे वाटले व S-5 हा Flat खरेदी केला. अपार्टमेंट संदर्भातील माझे विचार मांडावयाचे झाल्यास हे ठिकाण म्हणजे हवेशीर, रमणिय व पार्किंगसाठी अधिक मोकळी जागा असलेले आहे. मार्च 2020 पासुन करोना संक्रमण काळात लॉकडाऊन करण्यात आले असले तरी खालील पार्किंगची जागा मोकळी असल्याने फार काही त्रास झाला नाही. एकंदरीत बांधकामाची पद्धत अतिशय चांगली आहे. या बांधकामाचे विकासक श्री. पाटील साहेब यांचे बिल्डींग विषयीचे ज्ञान अतिशय चांगले आहे. खरेदी संदर्भातील त्यांचा व्यवहार अत्यंत स्पष्ट आहे. या अपार्टमेंट संदर्भातील काही उणीवा राहिल्या असतील असे मला तरी वाटत नाही. प्रा. डॉ. विश्वनाथ देशमुख सहायक प्राध्यापक, राजाराम महाविद्यालय, कोल्हापुर
I am a proud 3 BHK flat owner (Flat no.- UG 1) at “Windflower Apartment” a project by Lifestyle developers. The best part of this project is the light and ventilation in the building. There is ample amount of light and air circulation throughout the day. A good parking space along with a beautiful garden is provided. The structure of the building as well as the design is very appealing. In short everything of best quality is provided by the builder. Arun Appa Magdum Terminal Manager, Kolhapur Airport Airport Authority of India